Submit below, or keep scrolling to learn more. Purchase Prickly Pear issue #2 here!

Submit to Prickly Pear Issue #3 Here!

Hello! Thank you for submitting to Prickly Pear Issue #3. There are two sections to this form. The first section is your info and the second is a few optional questions and a place to upload your files. 

If your item is published you will be notified and receive a free copy of Prickly Pear  :)

If you are submitting anonymously all info and submissions will be kept confidential, however, please note that all submissions will be read by Bailey Stewart and Nanni Richardson.

THANK YOU!!!!! There is no Prickly Pear without you! <3

This years theme is Run Your Mouth.

1,500 word max for written submissions please.


55 featured artists, essays, comics, doodles, questions. You can snag a copy below. We are blown away by the support and love Prickly Pear has received thus far.

116 pages / full color / 55 submissions / 7” x 9” / self published


Prickly Pear is a self-published magazine consisting of submissions by people of all walks of life. It was created to offer a platform for folks to talk openly and honestly about sex, relationships, abuse and human intimacy.

You will be heard here. You will be seen. You will be believed.

Prickly Pear is a collection of beautiful sexy stories about times we felt so good in our bodies and touched just right. But also about times we weren't heard or seen or felt. Stories about times when something was taken that wasn't theirs to take.

Download a free PDF version of Peach Fuzz (now Prickly Pear) Volume 1 here.

"I want to start off by saying, reading your zine last year was transformative for me. I had been feeling very alone for a very long time in a toxic relationship. Prickly Pear helped me to feel that I am truly not alone. It was one of the many tools I used to help me get out of that relationship and make my health and well-being a priority. Thank you." - S